
Prices correct from 1st July 2024.  Please see below for the prices of our lessons.  We can guarantee that your lesson will be the only lesson going on in our menage, our group lessons are no more than 3 people and you will get a regular instructor that gets to know you and can help you progress. 

Lesson Type


Adults (16+)

30 min Private Lesson



30 min Semi- private Lesson



30 min Group Lesson



45 min Private Lesson



45 min Semi-private Lesson



45 min Group Lesson



Pony Club Member Lesson



Preschooler Ride and Care


Hacking 1 hr


Hacking 1.5 hr


Pony Club Care Session



Rider Club Care Session



Assisted Loan

£189.00 per month 



















 You will be required to fill out an acceptance form before you ride which you can find here.  Please ensure you have also read the following points:

  1. Horse riding is a risk sport, participation therefore holds potential risks.
  2. Horses are sometimes unpredictable and do not always respond as expected.
  3. We advise all persons participating in an equestrian sport to have adequate personnel accident insurance.
  4. We allocate horses to riders taking into account experience and suitability however all riders retain the right not to ride a horse allocated to them.
  5. All riders must wear a hat approved to current BSI standard.
  6. All clients are asked to wear suitable footwear and gloves.
  7. All clients are asked not to wear jewellery of any description when riding or in the stable area.
  8. Clients are requested to inform the instructor if any of the information above is altered.
  9. All clients retain the right to ask for a change of instructor.
  10. I accept the regular lesson payment terms below:

Payment terms:

Our payment terms require everyone that has regular lessons with us to set up a monthly standing order with us to pay for them. This will need to be paid whether you attend your lesson or not, much like a gym membership etc. You need to put your first name and the day you attend your lesson (e.g FRI) as the reference.

To allow for cancellations due to holiday we are basing your payment amount on you taking 4 weeks a year plus one where we close for the week at Christmas. Therefore your monthly payment will be worked out as follows:
52 weeks per year, minus 4 weeks of holiday and 1 week of closure for us at Christmas = 47 weeks or 23.5 if fortnightly

Your lesson cost per week = £22 x 23.5 weeks = and then divided by 12 to give a monthly figure of £43.08

We request that you give us 14 days notice if you wish to cancel your regular slot and we will then give your regular slot to the next person on the waiting list.